Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let's get reacquainted

I originally started this blog to drum up some interest in my writing. But since I'm not the most disciplined person, it's been a definite victim of neglect. I think it's time to change that.

From here on out I will try to keep this page up to date for those of you who may be interested. 

So, here's what's new. 

Sanitarium Magazine has accepted another of my stories. It's entitled And His Heart Burned. This is, in my opinion, one of the best things I've written to date. It will appear in issue 18, available February  27th. Grab a copy and support independent horror.

Also, in keeping with my pledge to actually maintain some sort of online presence, I have started a twitter account. You can follow me @AuthorJDThomas   No idea what I'm actually going to post over there, but I'll be doing something. Follow me and we'll find out together.

Also if you happen to be viewing this blog and haven't already liked my Facebook page, go like that shit.

Basically, I just want to let it be known what I'm all about. I may be green in regards to my presence on the interwebs and my publishing history. But let me assure you, I live and breathe horror. If you hate today's watered down, PG-rated pseudo horror as much as I do, hang around for a while. I aim to scare the shit out of you.